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Graphic with Text: 105 Days of Summer Safe Summer Flying with ASI and Hartzell Propeller

105 Days of Safe Summer Flying

Date: May 29, 2020 Category: Blog Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

At Hartzell Propeller, we’re passionate about flight safety and pilot proficiency. That’s why we’re proud to sponsor the AOPA Air Safety Institute’s (ASI) newest video series, “Seasons of Safety.” The four-part live webinar series focuses on the seasonal challenges of staying a safe, proficient pilot.

In the first video, “The Awakening: Coming Out of Hibernation,” ASI Executive Director Richard McSpadden shared helpful tips for preparing for the spring flying season.

Now that we’re approaching the summer months, ASI is back with a new episode of Seasons of Safety! During the second webinar, “105 Days of Safe Summer Flying,” ASI’s Manager of Aviation Safety Rob Geske delves into the dangers associated with summer flying.

AOPA/ASI Statistics

According to ASI statistics, the 105 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are when GA accidents are at their peak. Geske goes on to present several summertime accident case studies to help pilots understand the risks and avoid similar pitfalls.

He shares the following reminders and lessons learned from the case studies:

Stay away from summer thunderstorms:

  • Avoid over-relying on onboard weather equipment. Storm scopes and in-cockpit weather systems have limitations. ATC can be an invaluable resource to help you avoid convective activity.
  • Steer clear of convective activity by at least 20 nautical miles. Pop-up thunderstorms are common in the summer months. Be aware of updraft and downdrafts as well as the intensity of the rain.

When in doubt, go around:

  • Summer is a time when many GA pilots encounter new airports, new runways, and busy summer fly-ins. Stay alert and maintain situational awareness.
  • Modified patterns or approaches should not override basic safe flying parameters. Don’t lose basic flying skills when entering a new airport or when ATC gives you a new pattern.
  • It’s easy to get distracted during rapid changes and lose focus on key instruments. Be vigilant.
  • If an approach or landing isn’t working out, don’t hesitate to go around. Good go-arounds start early in a bad landing sequence. They prevent landing accidents by giving you more time to reassess.

Watch the full episode for more details on the accident case studies and helpful tips for safe summer flying.

The Air Safety Institute and Hartzell Propeller invite general aviation pilots to take the 105 days of safe summer flying challenge and make this the safest summer yet!

Want more flying safety tips? Be sure to subscribe to the ASI’s YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of “Seasons of Safety.”

Hartzell Propeller