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Virtual Pilot Proficiency Center Brings Pilots and Flight Instructors Together

Date: July 20, 2020 Category: Blog Tags: , , , , , , ,
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A staple of AirVenture Oshkosh is the Pilot Proficiency Center (PPC), an on-site skill-building area for pilots of all experience levels, even beginners. Normally, the PPC is filled with dozens of Redbird flight simulators, giving pilots a chance to try challenging IFR and VFR mission exercises alongside volunteer Certified Flight Instructors. Each year, participation has grown as pilots and aviation fans flock to the center to increase their knowledge and hone their flying skills. 

Since AirVenture 2020 was unfortunately called off due to COVID-19, the PPC is moving to a new, virtual format. The PPC team has worked hard to recreate the same quality simulation experience featured at Oshkosh. Here’s how it will work:

Remote instruction powered by Redbird

Redbird Flight Simulators recently developed the new Redbird Connect platform, which transforms Redbird simulators into a remote training platform. Using ZOOM video conferencing, instructors can watch participants fly the simulation mission and provide guidance and feedback. With Redbird Connect, it’s now possible for pilots and instructors to come together for quality simulator training from anywhere in the world.

What you’ll need

To participate in a remote training session, you’ll need an internet connection and access to a Redbird simulator with up-to-date software, either at home or at one of the 14 participating Flight Training Centers across the USA.

Set up a laptop, tablet, or smartphone with the camera facing the Redbird device so the instructor can see you and the flight controls on ZOOM. An iPhone on a tripod will work. The instructor will also log onto the sim with Redbird Connect, which allows them to view your performance, configuration, and navigation data in real-time.

You can choose among 13 VFR or IFR simulation missions to complete during the 90-minute training session. Each mission offers a combination of exercises and scenarios, all of which are challenging and fun to fly! When you complete the sim mission, the instructor will provide a complete debriefing with CloudAhoy.

To learn more about the virtual PPC and schedule a training session, click here.

Don’t have access to a Redbird flight simulator or nearby flight school? Be sure to catch the Pilot Proficiency Tech Talks during Spirit of Aviation Week. Topics will cover everything from “Weather 101” to “The Art of Flying IFR.” Best of all, every tech talk is eligible for FAA WINGS pilot proficiency program credit. Once you register and attend one of the presentations, you will receive your WINGS credit automatically.

View the complete Spirit of Aviation Week schedule at

Image: Redbird Flight Simulations.

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