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Hartzell Trailblazer Prop Receives STC For American Champion Super Decathlon

Piqua, Ohio, July 27, 2018 – Hartzell Propeller’s carbon fiber composite two-blade Trailblazer prop has received a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for American Champion Aircraft’s Super Decathlon aerobatic tandem two-seat tail dragger. Offered as a new aircraft option by American Champion, the 76-inch diameter Hartzell Trailblazer is also available under Hartzell’s Top Prop program for […]

Hartzell Introduces The Talon High Performance Propeller On Michael Goulian’s Extra at EAA AirVenture

Piqua, Ohio, July 20, 2018 – Famed aerobatic and Red Bull Air Race Pilot Michael Goulian is Hartzell Propeller’s launch customer for the Talon, the next generation of enhanced aerodynamic prop manufactured with Hartzell’s patented ASC-II™ resin transfer carbon fiber process. The specially designed performance propeller will make its first public appearance when Mike Goulian […]

Hartzell Propeller Sponsors Tech Talks, Pilot Proficiency & Air Shows at EAA AirVenture

  Piqua, Ohio, July 11, 2018 – Propellers will be everywhere at EAA AirVenture 2018, to be held July 23-29. With more than 500,000 Hartzell props manufactured and flown over the past one hundred years, it is a sure bet that attendees of Oshkosh’s famous fly-in will see and experience the company’s leading aerodynamic and […]

Pilatus Owners, Pilots Convene in New Orleans; Pleased with Hartzell’s 5-blade Composite Prop

Piqua, Ohio, June 6, 2018 — Since Hartzell Propeller introduced a five-blade composite swept tip prop specially designed to maximize performance for the Pilatus PC-12 turboprop fleet almost three years ago, its early adopters are delighted with the performance results. Hartzell experts will represent the propeller company at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Pilatus […]

Hartzell Displays Newest Propeller Technologies at SUN n’ FUN, AERO

Piqua, Ohio, April 4, 2018 – Hartzell Propeller will exhibit its next generation prop technologies at the SUN n’ FUN International Fly-in and Expo April 10-15 and at AERO Friedrichshafen, April 18-21. Hartzell’s substantial investment in innovative technologies is being recognized and leveraged by new aircraft manufacturers and by after-market STC (Supplemental Type Certificate) modifiers. […]

Brinkley Propeller Services Appointed by Hartzell as Recommended Service Facility

  Piqua, Ohio, March 26, 2018 – Hartzell Propeller Inc. named Brinkley Propeller Services, one of Europe’s leading propeller repair and overhaul operations, as its newest Recommended Service Facility in the United Kingdom. Based 40 miles north of Central London in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, Brinkley’s modern 14,250 sq. foot campus was designed for quality, efficiency and […]

Hartzell Propeller