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Hartzell Trailblazer STC OK’d for American Champion Scout

Piqua, Ohio, March 16, 2016 – Hartzell Propeller Inc., working with American Champion Aircraft Corp., has received Supplemental Type Certificate approval from the Federal Aviation Administration for installation of the company’s new carbon fiber Trailblazer constant speed propellers on Scout aircraft. Included in the STC are 8GCBC Scout and Denali Scout aircraft. The Hartzell 80-inch, […]

Hartzell Propeller Receives STC for New 5-Blade Prop for Piper Meridian & M500

Piqua, Ohio, March 7, 2016 – Hartzell Propeller has received a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for a five-blade composite propeller designed specifically for the Piper Aircraft Meridian and Piper’s new M500. Hartzell collaborated closely with Piper Aircraft on the STC for the single-engine pressurized turboprops. “The Hartzell Propeller five-bladed prop design increases flight performance and […]

Hartzell Teaches A&Ps How to Evaluate and Repair Minor Damage to Composite Propellers

Piqua, Ohio, Feb. 29, 2016 – Hartzell Propeller has created a series of how-to videos and a new field repair manual describing how to evaluate and repair Hartzell’s structural composite propeller blades when they suffer minor damage. A true composite propeller is made from carbon fiber or Kevlar. “Unlike aluminum or wooden blades, Hartzell’s composite […]

Hartzell’s Investment in 5-Blade Swept Props Cuts Wide Swath through Business Aviation

Piqua, Ohio, Feb 1, 2016 – Hartzell Propeller has strengthened its global leadership in turboprop propellers through a multiyear, multimillion-dollar investment in advanced aerodynamics and manufacturing techniques, featuring structural composite technology. The result has been the roll-out of several new five blade structural composite propellers and an aggressive campaign to identify fleets of turboprops for […]

Red Bull Air Race Championship Picks Hartzell Propeller for 3rd Year

Piqua, Ohio, Jan. 19, 2016 – For the third consecutive year, Hartzell Propeller will be the propeller technical partner of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship in 2016. Hartzell will provide its three-blade structural composite propeller known as “The Claw,” carbon fiber composite spinners, and lightweight governors to every Red Bull Air Race team. […]

Hartzell Develops New Propellers for the Beechcraft King Air 350, B200, C90 Fleets

Las Vegas, Nov. 17, 2015 – Hartzell Propeller’s multi-year multi-million dollar development program for new turbine propellers gives owners and operators of many Beechcraft King Airs an opportunity to upgrade the performance of their workhorse aircraft. Hartzell’s new four-blade aluminum and five-blade structural composite props will be available in early 2016 for the sizeable Beechcraft […]

Hartzell Propeller